Spatial Scientific Pty. Ltd.

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PO Box 520
BLACKWOOD, South Australia 5051
view phone0405 141 647

Spatial Scientific is the owner of the AeroScientific brand, a global leader in aerial camera control software (the Aviatrix flight management system) and FlightPlanner flight planning software. AeroScientific products are configured to work with large, medium and small format aerial cameras, mounted on both manned aircraft and UAVs. Spatial Scientific also provides remote sensing and airborne imaging solutions spanning a range of industries, such as agriculture, viticulture, and mining.

Our current Brands:
AeroScientific AeroScientific supplies software and hardware to simplify aerial image acquisition: flight planning, in-flight navigation, aerial camera control, post-mission analysis and multi-image alignment.
Remote Sensing Australia A leading provider of remote sensing and airborne imaging services for environmental mapping and management. Specialists in airborne thermal imagery and multispectral data acquisition.